"Ghost Walk" Xavier Lopez
This is a video exemplifying the solitude that we are all feeling.
Prints Available: https://www.xavierlopezjr.com/ , https://www.patreon.com/Xavier_Lopez_Jr , https://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlearts/ , https://www.blurb.com/b/8255158-passing-notes-the-mixed-media-artwork-of-xavier-lo , https://www.linkedin.com/in/xalopez/

"Sorry We're Closed" Sara Quinn
This "sign of the times" is all over town, as people are asked to stay home from work, businesses are closing (some, possibly for good), and social distancing measures are put in place due to COVID-19.
Prints Available: https://www.facebook.com/squinn.squidandcrow

"Transform" Heather Willoughby
The hard [sic] times transform us. We break but rebuild in beautiful ways. Gratitude, love and hope fuel the transformation.
Prints Available: @heartofheartsfollowyourart

"Mother's Day" Erin Darcy
A mother wearing a gas mask cradles her baby. A vivid yellow covid19 warning circles the mother's head, nearly like a halo.
Prints Available: Linktr.ee/edarcydesign

"My Inhaler " Ayleen Wood
Award Winner
‘Best in Show’
"As a severe asthmatic who is extremely high risk — COVID-19 hit me where it hurts; right at the start of my annual, allergy-induced, “asthma season”. I sold countless cases of ammo and firearms at my job during the early days of the outbreak, right here in Tri-Cities. Hearing stories from nurses, government employees, and locals of all kinds. Then would have to disconnect from work to grab my inhaler for a quick 30 second break, just to breathe. Whether it was inhibited by anxiety or asthma - it’s hard to tell.
Now being in quarantine, I look to my inhaler as a under appreciated superhero. I used to feel so annoyed by the medications and treatments I’d have to take. Now, with the outbreak at its peak ... I’m so grateful I am safe, healthy, and already “equipped” with what necessities I need. So, I had a cathartic moment and painted on my inhaler with paint markers to erase that previous frustration over having respiratory issues. "
Prints Available: Instagram: @seppukuangel , Facebook: @AyleenWoodArt

"Ontological Surgeon" Saundra Fleming
This piece is about an exploration of the nature of being in these strange times.

"Waiting Too Exhale" Tami Nelson
Watercolor mixed media

"On the Sidewalks of New York" Ray Castaneda
Award Winner
‘DBC Award’
This is a photo of Times Square from Duffy Square in Manhattan, taken early in March. The scene is devoid of people, which is unusual for Times Square at any hour. The photo represents an unusual moment in history, the shutdown of the country due to Covid-19. The location in the photo is the spot where the final scene of the HBO show The Deuce comes to a close. In this last scene of the finale, the main protagonist of the show returns after 30 odd years to the places he knew in his youth, and commiserates with the ghosts of his past. The message is clear, the current moment becomes the nostalgia of the future, and our defining hardships reveal the course of our lives. This moment will pass.
Prints Available: RaycastStudio.com, @raycastinsta

"Rising Above the Invisible Monster" Alicia Berrera
Through triumph and through strength we rise as one.
Prints Available: color_artistry@yahoo.com

"Covidart; Apart, Together" Raechel Mackey
Original, digital art created with procreate. In response to Covid19
Prints Available: Instagram @rakama.arts

"She Heals" Melissa Reid
This piece is inspired by the viral poem "And the People Stayed Home,” by Kitty O’Meara. I use this poem in my daily mediation to stay focused on the positives of social distancing. May we all find inner healing during this time of physical separation .
2x4 acrylic & charcoal on wood.

"Glass Half Full" Jared Johnson
Award Winner
“STCU Award”
A stream of consciousness exercise in response to the overwhelming circumstances of the day.

"How Long?" Jared Johnson
A stream of consciousness response to the overwhelming information we receive on a day to day basis.

"We all Scream (for Light, in Darkness) Adam Whittier
"This is a lamp I made from salvaged materials. The fixture's main body is a stainless-steel ""Dipwell,"" a device used to clean ice-cream scoops and other serving utensils. The light itself is a standard lamp switch, salvaged from a dumpster. Its cord is hidden by a flexible water-pipe, from that same dumpster.
This lamp reminds us that our ""new normal"" requires new sources of illumination. We still have the power to avert darkness, though it may not be in the ways we expect."
Prints Available: adamwhittier.com

"Safety is Sexy" Rain Hawkes
This is the best treatment for feeling sick.
Soft pastels on paper. 18×24.
Prints Available: Rainhawkes@outlook.com

"Kitchen Table" Justin Jones
Covid-19 initiated homeschooling

"I am Not Afraid" Rock
Figure standing on cliff with stuff falling all around.
Prints Available: facebook.com/WindWatcherStudio/

"If you can read this, go back inside." Madison Rosenbaum
Welcome to my personal hell: an extrovert trapped in a toilet paperless landscape.

"Spring is Here Anyway" J.Miller Loomis
Award Winner
“Heather and Davin Diaz Award”
Flowering plants around me in a virus bubble.

"life thriving in the dark-a self portrait" Madison Rosenbaum
Make sure you
come out of
this cocoon
as a butterfly.
- Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo
I've never witnessed a pandemic. I guess in my 27 years alive, I didn't even think it would happen. SARS and Ebola linger in my mind as dark spots in a partly cloudy sky. My only frame of reference are in books of past plagues, pandemics, and epidemics. The bubonic plague, also known as the black death, is something I keep gravitating towards as something that helps me make sense of what is happening. Humanity has been surviving plagues for thousands of years, and we have managed to learn a lot along the way. I hope this time is no different. As I do my part to flatten the curve, it is hard not to feel the darkness caving in. But there is life here with me, in me, as I learn to grow in uncertainty. "

"Greta Needs You to be Her Hero" Don Wesley
Greta Thunberg is not a hero, she is a siren. We have the access and power to be the heroes she seeks. Start small and locally to get the ball rolling.

"Out the Imaginary Window" Talia Krueger
My positive vibes come from the exploration of our this beautiful orb we call home. I just keep thinking about the places I'll visit when I can visit places again. This is a watercolor and ink painting on a clay board.

"Self Portrait After Dana Schutz" Saundra Fleming
A creature who is ultra-aware.

"Ascension" Don Wesley
19 starlings flying up towards the distant heavens.

Bogus and Tinc
Image Courtesy of Steve Lee and his graffiti program, artwork displayed in front of g2g.

"Oh The Places You Will Go!" Anne Greenwell
Painting, drawing with sharpies on an old door.
Prints Available: anne.greenwell.collett@gmail.com

"Backyard Boogie" Jaime Torres
Award Winner
“Lotus of the Moon Award”
March 21st 2020 Sergio Hernandez and Robert Hernandez Martinez of Get 'Em Tiger and longtime friend Roger Rodriguez who came down from Seattle performed a short set on Facebook live during the beginning of quarantine. Musicians are streaming concerts live throughout the country during these "new normal" times. Artists are very important in these troubled times. We are keeping you sane during quarantine.
"A Heron for Trying Times" Grace Calibo
A blue heron looking peaceful and majestic amid colorful scenery done in ink.
Prints Available: http://www.instagram.com/gcjaidee or by email jaidee.by.gc@gmail.com

“Awakening in the Aquarium” Elisa Winkelman
Oil on canvas

"Fire and Water" William Hermanns
Figurative abstract

"Look on the Bright Side" Michelle Walchli
Acrylic on canvas - this bright eyed ostrich isn’t going to stick his head in the sand, but he’s looking for something to be happy about!
Prints Available: Free Spirit Art - Facebook

"I let my body go" Ginger Wireman
I let my body go
Prints Available: wirebaby17@gmail.com

"Isolated Together no. 3. (Keep your light on.)" Loel Kathmann
Watercolor, walnut ink on paper. (11"x14")

“Ohhh - Donuts!” Michelle Walchli
Framed Acrylic on Canvas- “donut” let staying at home get you down... we still have donuts!!!
Prints Available: Free Spirit Art - Facebook

"Om Manipadme Hum" Caroline Blackburn
Watercolor and pastel on paper. 11"x15". The Buddhist chant or mantra "om manipadme hum" can add a sense of peace and compassion to those who chant it. As I was spiraling into a depression caused by the effects of COVID-19 I found a source of relief during the process of creating this painting. The painting is inspired by a statue of Buddha in the Angkor Thom temple complex in Cambodia, which gave me a great sense of calm when I came upon it. My creative process often involves first painting a scene, inspired from a photograph I've taken, in watercolor. I then elevate the colors and contrasts with pastels.
Prints Available: www.carolineblackburn.com
"Good Things are Coming" Carol Betker
Portrait of my granddaughter, who will probably miss her high school graduation this year, a band club trip cancelled, a birthday celebrated without family all due to the pandemic but is hopeful for better times ahead.
Prints Available: artzcog78@gmail.com

"I Am the Bread of Life" Joyce Wilkens
30 x 40" Oil Wrapped Canvas.

"Keeping Up Morale" Keely Kleyn Matteson
Daily mantras and inspiration. Digital design.

"Faith" Kathy Clayton
Art piece is painted on wood and mounted on framed canvas.
Prints Available: claytonkathy11@gmail.com

"I’m Hiding in Here" Ginger Wireman
Elsa’s head in wire spool with leaf detritus.
Prints Available: wirebaby17@gmail.com

"Lower Lights" Chris Baugh
Hand-carved hair stick from a poplar dowel and hand painted with acrylic paints. The lighthouse is a beacon. It is the symbol of hope to the weary sailor - the guiding light to the safe harbor. I take a Bauhaus approach to my woodcarving. I love when art is beautiful, symbolic, and useful.

"For Mom" Cat Hahn
Grandpa got sick with COVID-19 so I made my mom some art to make her smile. She's the rock of our family... honestly being a counselor she is the rock of many peoples' families. This piece is based on the ocean, her favorite place in the world. During a dark time in my life I heard my mom's voice singing about the ocean and it saved my life. This piece is based on that moment, to remind her that she is needed and appreciated and she will see her ocean again soon and everything will be okay.

"A New Currency" Kristen Michael
Award Winner
“G2G Wellness Award”
"As media tensions began to build, people began to panic and over bought the worlds toilet paper supply, this was the beginning of the panic that we began to see as COVID-19 reached the US borders. Toilet paper was treated as if it were gold, it was hard to find, sought by many, and deeply guarded and revered.
“A New Currency”
Guilded gold ink on toilet paper rolls attached to wooden panel